NGK Law is pleased to announce that partners Mark Niemeyer and David Grebel have been named to the 2016 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America, the oldest and most respected peer-reviewed publication in the legal profession. Mark Niemeyer was listed in the Best Lawyers category for Mass Tort Litigation/Class Action and Dave was listed…

Blood clot filters are small, cage like devices that are inserted into the inferior vena cava to capture blood clots and prevent them from reaching the lungs.  St. Louis blood clot filters are frequently placed in patients at risk for pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lungs) when other anti-coagulant therapy is not as…

IVC filters are small, cage like devices that are inserted into the inferior vena cava to capture blood clots and prevent them from reaching the lungs.  The inferior vena cava is the main vessel returning blood to the lower half of the body to the heart.  IVC filters are frequently placed in patients at risk…

Zofran is a drug that was approved to treat nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy and surgery patients.  It was first approved in the United States in 1991 and was developed by GlaxoSmithKline (“GSK”).  While Zofran was not approved by the FDA for use in treating morning sickness with pregnant women, evidence came to light that…

As many people may have seen recently, there has been increased concern over the anticoagulant drug Xarelto.  Xarelto is a blood thinner that was initially approved by the FDA in July 2011.  The purpose of Xarelto is to decrease the risk of someone suffering a clotting event that could lead to a heart attack or…

The FDA recently issued a safety communication, in which it discouraged the use of laparoscopic power morcellation for the removal of the uterus in a hysterectomy or the removal of uterine fibroids.  Our St. Louis power morcellation attorneys have learned that the FDA has discouraged the use of the power morcellation, because based on a…

The partners at Niemeyer, Grebel & Kruse are pleased to announce that NGK Law was recently named by US News & World Report to the 2017 edition of “Best Law Firms.” Firms included in the US News & World Report 2017 Best Law Firms list are recognized for professional excellence with persistently impressive ratings from…

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