When it comes to determining fault in a car accident, the key is finding out who had the right of way at the time of the crash. In the case of merging accidents, also known as lane change accidents, this can be complicated. In this blog post, we’ll explain some of the basics of fault…

A rear end collision is when one vehicle crashes into the back of another vehicle. In most cases, the driver who was in the back is at fault for causing the crash. Even if the lead vehicle stops quickly, the rear driver should be following at a reasonable distance so they can stop without causing…

A left turn accident is when a car turns left in front of oncoming traffic and it results in a crash. Determining who is at fault in this type of collision can be complicated, since the answer may depend on several factors. Generally, who is at fault will come down to who had the right…

If you have been hurt in an accident at work, you might be wondering if your injury qualifies as “work-related.” Work-related injuries qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, which can cover not only your medical bills but also lost wages, rehabilitation costs and other related expenses. Generally, an injury is considered work-related if the employee sustained…

In the early 1980s, reports began to surface of increased cancer rates and other health problems among those stationed at Camp Lejeune, a U.S. Marine Corps base in North Carolina. An investigation revealed that the water supply at the base had been contaminated with a variety of chemicals for more than three decades. In those…

Missouri’s helmet laws have recently changed. If you plan to head out on your motorcycle anytime soon, you should be aware of how these changes affect you. Prior to the recent change, all motorcycle operators and passengers were required to wear helmets on Missouri roadways. However, the helmet law was updated in 2020 to stipulate…

Car accidents can be devastating. Depending on the circumstances around the crash, crashes can lead to lifelong injuries, costly medical expenses and extensive property damage. If you or someone you love has been injured in a Missouri car accident, you might be wondering: What’s the typical car accident settlement amount? The answer is that it…

When we help a loved one move into assisted living, we trust that the staff will work hard to keep them happy, healthy and comfortable. The reality is that this often isn’t the case.  Nursing home neglect and abuse are unfortunately common in the United States. According to a study by the National Center on…

If someone is exposed to asbestos and develops lung cancer as a result, they may be entitled to compensation for their injuries.  However, if a person is considering filing a claim for compensation, they might be wondering, how can they prove that the asbestos was responsible for their lung cancer, and that it wasn’t caused…

Filing for workers compensation in Missouri can be a headache, which is why consulting with an experienced attorney is the best way to ensure that you receive the appropriate compensation for your injuries. The Missouri Industrial Commission, a division of the state’s Department of Labor, oversees all workers compensation cases. The commission’s administrative law judges…

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