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Summer Opens, and Brings With it the 100 Deadliest Days to be on the Road

Man kneeling after a car accident

As Memorial Day has come and passed, the expected spike in teen driving accidents during the summer or the “100 Deadliest Days” as named by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, has begun. These 100 days refer to the time between Memorial and Labor Day where teens have increased access to the road, as the school has been let out for the summer. In these 100 days, AAA reports an average of 10 fatalities per day- a 14% increase when compared to the rest of the year. It is vital to stress the importance of preparing and educating inexperienced teen drivers, especially during the most dangerous part of the year.

In preparation for the dangerous summer driving summer period, it is important for parents to stress early and often the dangers of risky driving, including both speeding as well as nighttime driving. With 36% of all motor vehicle fatalities involving a teen driver and 29% of all motor vehicle deaths involving a teen driver being speed-related, it is evident that changes must be made in teen-driving habits. Not only are risks, such as speeding, particularly dangerous for teen drivers, nearly every state has enacted a law restricting how late teens may lawfully be out on the road. This is a reminder for parents to be actively involved in the learning-to-drive process, and to open the conversation regarding understanding both the risks and responsibilities that come with a driver’s license.

While there is little one can do to prevent other drivers from behaving negligently, by opening a conversation about driving safely with teen drivers you can do your part in decreasing motor vehicle deaths during this year’s 100 deadliest days.


Stay In The Know

  • What should I bring to my initial consultation with a personal injury attorney?

    Bring any relevant documents, such as medical records, police reports, insurance information, photos of the accident scene, and correspondence with insurance companies. This information will help your attorney at NGK Law Firm evaluate your case more effectively.

  • Can I still file a claim if I was partially at fault for the accident?

    Yes, Missouri follows a "pure comparative fault" rule. This means you can still recover damages even if you were partially responsible for the accident. Your compensation will be reduced by the percentage of your fault. The skilled attorneys at NGK Law Firm can help evaluate the details of your case and advocate for fair compensation.

  • How much will it cost me to hire a personal injury attorney from NGK Law Firm?

    NGK Law Firm operates on a contingency fee basis, which means you won't pay any legal fees unless we win your case. This ensures that high-quality legal representation is accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.